There used to be East Indian villages around Powai Lake many a year ago. However little trace of any of these villages can be found today. However very few of the old timers will forget the "Trindat cha san" (the Feast of Holy Trinity). This is one of the few places where East Indians used to pack their bullock carts and go along with their entire family.

In the old day theview must have been spectacular as this church is located on a hill. Even today whilst driving one can may out the slope both before and after the Holy trinity church.


This is the new church. the ruins of the old church lay just behind this.

These ruins have been preserved, for one to realise how old Christianity has been around these parts, lest history forget, and think that Christianity came only during the British period.

Very little history, has been found with regards to the villages around these parts, and also of the vanishing East Indians from around here.